Monday, May 4, 2020


“Wake, College, Eat, Sleep” these four prosaic words would have crossed my mind, if you were to ask me about my pre-quarantine life. A rat race running towards the unfathomable future, following the melancholic and mundane socially-acceptable path. A pavé leading to societal happiness and success, unbothered by its calamitous consequences on the environment, human relations and eudaimonia. No doubt, being a college student, my life had wads of zestful moments bestrewed meticulously thought-out the days ranging from street-food binging sessions with friends to hot monde dinner with family, from exploring purani dilli to extravagant vacations and the list goes on and on. Yet, amongst all this frolic I never seemed to catch a break from the daily grind and the long for worldly happiness.

However, the man can run all that he wants, only to realise that all this while he’d been running in circles around mother nature’s pinkie. This dawned upon us on the 11th of March 2020, the ever-so-moving world came to a standstill when the nature shouted CORONA VIRUS bold and clear on our faces. The most fatal virus since Ebola, the Corona Virus was declared a world-wide pandemic by WHO sending nations after nations in country-wide lockdowns disorienting the whole economic and industrial scenario. Corona without any hesitation is a deplorable phenomenon which has not only costed us billions on the economic front but also millions of precious lives and is nothing but an appalling and misfortunate event.   

Nevertheless, there are a few good things that have happened because of this quarantine. As we cut ties with the external world, we now have the time to establish new bonds with our inner-self whilst the nature heals herself. So, jumping on the bandwagon of introspection and eudaimonia here I am with my blog, “Living Life One Blog at a Time”. A platform for me to present my candid thoughts and quarantine life updates.

Looking forward to provide you with a fun reading experience :)

Instagram: snehima_25
Facebook: Snehima Gupta
LinkedIn:  Snehima Gupta

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